GFCI protection for personnel and equipment is an incredibly important portion of safety. Littelfuse’s SB5000 Series Shock Blocks go above and beyond to provide the best possible safety. All SB5000 models come with a ground wire monitor that will trip if the ground-return path is broken to further protect equipment and workers. The SB5000 will also self-test to further ensure safety. The SB5000 comes housed in a NEMA 4X/IP69 enclosure.
NEC 210.8 (B) specifies areas where GFCI protection is required for personnel, including industrial kitchens, construction sites, and other non-dwelling units. The SB5000 series class A GFCI is specifically designed to meet requirements while being compliant with UL 943. | The SB5000 EGFPD is an adjustable trip model for more flexibility in industrial equipment protection in cases where a GFCI is not necessary. Its trip level can be set 6 mA, or any multiple of 10mA up to 100mA. This model is compliant with UL 943 and UL 1053. | The SB5000 SPGFCI is a special purpose GFCI designed to meet UL 943C for personnel protection in industrial facilities. Class C, for 480V systems, and Class D, for 600V systems, GFCIs both have a set trip level of 20mA. |
32A and 60A models are currently available. 80A and 100A models are coming soon.
For more information, please contact your local SMR sales representative or visit Littelfuse SB5000 Industrial Shock Block® for Personnel Protection Series.